Lexington Books
Pages: 234
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8939-9 • Hardback • December 2015 • $121.00 • (£93.00)
978-0-7391-8940-5 • eBook • December 2015 • $115.00 • (£88.00)
Joanne Maguire Robinson is chair and associate professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Chapter One: Ideology and Utopia in Time and Waiting
Chapter Two: Ideological and Utopian Foundations
Chapter Three: Advent Waiting
Chapter Four: Waiting in Stillness and Silence
Chapter Five: Agency in Waiting
Lucidly written and impressively broad in its range and research, this book presents waiting as an experience essential to Christian identity and the practice of faith. At a time when waiting is perhaps more denigrated than ever, Joanne Robinson provides a deeply thoughtful, well-reasoned commentary on the promise and power of waiting that will be illuminating for Christians and non-Christians alike.
— Harold Schweizer, Bucknell University, author of On Waiting
We all know what it is like to have to wait, but do we really know what “waiting” is? In her wide-ranging book, Joanne Maguire Robinson turns an incisive eye on this fundamental human experience, one often ignored. Using resources from the philosopher Paul Ricoeur and a host of other thinkers, both historical and contemporary, Robinson has crafted an original and challenging interpretation of waiting as source of social identity and a way of negotiating the complex relationship between the “what is” of daily life and the “what could be” that humans live in expectation of, especially in the Christian tradition where waiting assumes a transcendental perspective. This is a rich book, a challenging book, one well worth waiting for.
— Bernard McGinn, Divinity School, University of Chicago