Lexington Books
Pages: 598
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8872-9 • Hardback • December 2013 • $194.00 • (£150.00)
978-0-7391-8873-6 • eBook • December 2013 • $184.00 • (£142.00)
Anna D. Jaroszynska-Kirchmannis professor of history at Eastern Connecticut State University.
Theodore L. Zawistowski taught sociology at Pennsylvania State University and psychology at Marywood University prior to retirement.
Preface and Acknowledgments
Chapter One: Religion, Church, and Spiritual Life
Chapter Two: Polonia Communities in the United States and in Diaspora
Chapter Three: Polish American Identity
Chapter Four: The American Nation
Chapter Five: Homeland
This is a delightful, informative, and poignant book. . . .[The book] provides[s] an excellent history of Polish immigration in the U.S. and a summary of the relevant socio-political issues. . . .[This book] is a valuable contribution to the study of Polish-American immigration. It is a wonderful combination of historical background and primary sources, and it makes for a fascinating, often very moving, reading.
— Slavic and East European Journal
• Winner, Polish American Historical Association’s Oskar Halecki Award