Lexington Books
Pages: 168
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-0-7391-8763-0 • Hardback • November 2013 • $120.00 • (£92.00)
978-1-4985-2134-5 • Paperback • April 2015 • $57.99 • (£45.00)
978-0-7391-8764-7 • eBook • November 2013 • $55.00 • (£42.00)
Ronald T. Libby is professor of political science and public administration at University of North Florida. He is the author of The Criminalization of Medicine: America’s War on Doctors and Eco-Wars: Political Campaigns and Social Movements.
I. Introduction
2. The Tea Party’s Political Ideology
3. The Tea Party’s Policies: Contract From America
4. The Civil War Within the Republican Party
5. The “Scozzafava” Strategy to Defeat Senator Bob Bennett
6. Tea Party-Hispanic Constituency for Senator Marco Rubio
7. Conclusion: the 2012 Elections and Beyond
Appendix A
"One of the best Republican Party books of all time" - May 14, 2022
— Book Authority
Professor Libby thoroughly analyzes the U.S. House race featuring New York State Representative Dede Scozzafava and U.S. Senate races featuring Mike Lee (Utah) and Marco Rubio (Florida). Through his skillful blending of polling results, newspaper accounts, and behind the scene politics, he is able to document the origin and the continued power flexed by the Tea Party. His provocative conclusion points towards sustained involvement of the Tea Party in American Politics. Only time will tell if his well-founded prediction comes true.— Sean M. Theriault, The University of Texas at Austin
Libby’s book is not just a detailed account of the rise, ideology, and electoral success of the Tea Party that brings much-needed balance to mainstream media accounts, it also provides important insights into the continuing fight over the soul of the Republican Party.— Stan Veuger, senior fellow, American Enterprise Institute