Lexington Books
Pages: 292
Trim: 6⅜ x 9⅜
978-0-7391-8590-2 • Hardback • April 2014 • $142.00 • (£109.00)
978-1-4985-0912-1 • Paperback • February 2015 • $57.99 • (£45.00)
978-0-7391-8591-9 • eBook • April 2014 • $55.00 • (£42.00)
Heather Eaton is professor of conflict studies at Saint Paul University.
Brian Swimme
Heather Eaton
Chapter 1: Thomas Berry and the New Story: An Introduction to the Work of Thomas Berry
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Chapter 2: Exploring Thomas Berry’s Historical Vision
John Grim
Part I. Thomas Berry and Traditional Religions
Chapter 3: Thomas Berry on Yoga, Buddhism and Carl Jung
Christopher Key Chapple
Chapter 4: The Influence of Confucianism on Thomas Berry’s Thought
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Chapter 5: Thomas Berry’s Understanding of the Psychic-Spiritual Dimension of Creation: Some Sources
Dennis O’Hara
Chapter 6: Understanding the Universe as Sacred: The Challenge for Contemporary Christianity
Cristina Vanin
Chapter 7: Thomas Berry and Indigenous Thought: First Nations and Communion with the Natural World
John Grim
Chapter 8: Metamorphosis:A Cosmology of Religions in an Ecological Age
Heather Eaton
Part II. Expanding Horizons
Chapter 9: The Great Work in a Sacred Universe: The Role of Science in Berry’s Visionary Proposal
Anne Marie Dalton
Chapter 10: The Earth Jurisprudence of Thomas Berry and the Tradition of Revolutionary Law
Brian Brown
Chapter 11: From the Daily and Local to the Communion of Subjects
Paul Waldau
Afterword: Postmodern Suggestions
Stephen Dunn
It [this book] functions as an appreciative explication of some of the themes and backgrounds in Berry's work;
— ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
This book, edited by Canadian theologian Heather Eaton, is clearly to be the definitive work on Thomas Berry. Berry was an immensely learned man. His lifetime of study led him across many groups of religion, philosophies, cultures, and science. His vision of a new universe story synthesized these many fields of thought. This book of fourteen essays elucidates these many areas of knowledge that went into his planetary vision.
— Rosemary Radford Ruether, Claremont School of Theology
Thomas Berry is one of the powerful and original thinkers of the last century; it's very good to see his crucial work set in context.
— Bill McKibben, Founder of Third Act and author of The Flag, The Cross and The Station Wagon
This book makes clear that Berry’s insight that "the universe is a communion of subjects" has an importance comparable to that of the evolutionary origins of human beings, the unconscious dimension of experience, and the relativity of space and time. Perhaps now, in the twenty-first century, this book will enable far more people to appreciate his vision and to appropriate it, critically but humbly.
— John Cobb, Claremont Lincoln University