Lexington Books
Pages: 254
Trim: 6½ x 9⅜
978-0-7391-8517-9 • Hardback • June 2014 • $133.00 • (£102.00)
978-0-7391-8518-6 • eBook • June 2014 • $126.00 • (£97.00)
Robert E. Denton, Jr. holds the W. Thomas Rice chair of leadership studies in the Pamplin College of Business and is professor in the Department of Communication at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Robert E. Denton Jr.
Chapter 1: The Early Campaign of 2012
Judith S. Trent
Chapter 2: Mitt Romney and the 2012 Presidential Nomination
Henry C. Kenski and Kate M. Kenski
Chapter 3: “Persona” in the 2012 Presidential Campaign
Dennis D. Cali
Chapter 4: The Rhetoric of a Campaigning First Lady
Theodore F. Sheckels
Chapter 5: First Ladies and Presidential Advising: Ann Romney, Hilary Rosen, and the 2012 Presidential Campaign
Melody J. Lehn
Chapter 6: Political Propheteering: The Role of Purity in the 2012 Presidential Nomination Addresses
Brian Heslop and Patrick S. Loebs
Chapter 7: Informed and Undecided: Persuasive Appeals to Noncommittal Voters
Rita Kirk and Dan Schill
Chapter 8: The Honeymoon is over! Rhetoric, Shared Identity, and the Symbolic Communication of Race in the 2012 Obama Campaign
Zoe Spencer
Chapter 9: Music as Rhetoric: Music in the 2012 Presidential Campaign
David R. Dewberry andJonathan H. Millen
Chapter 10: Candidates Use of Social Network Sites to Control their Campaign Message
Stephanie E. Bor
Chapter 11: This One is Not Like the Others: President Obama’s Genre-bending Second Inaugural
Joseph Valenzano III
The scholars contributing to Studies of Communication in the 2012 Presidential Campaign thoroughly examine each topic, providing the reader with solid history, context, and analysis. Indeed, nontraditional topics, such as campaigning and advising by first ladies, political profiteering, and the skillful treatment of race in the 2012 Obama campaign, all entice the reader to delve deeper into the text. Thus, this must-read text is insightful and challenges all readers to consider carefully the impact of communication in political campaigns.— Presidential Studies Quarterly
Once again, Robert E. Denton, Jr., has assembled some of the top names in the field of political communication to unpack the nature and function of the 2012 presidential campaign. The result is a fine understanding of the creation, distribution, reception, and reaction to campaign messages in the 2012 context. From candidate surfacing to the broadest appeals of the campaign’s final weeks, the essential topics are all covered.
— Joseph R. Blaney
In this volume, an eclectic collection of insightful scholars thoroughly examine snippets of diverse discussions that made up the 2012 Presidential Campaign. In a time of extreme division and incivility in our national dialogue, these observations can be a catalyst for positive change. Denton’s Studies of Communication in the 2012 Presidential Campaign provides an opportunity for the reader to reflect on how different communication strategies and methods affect our ability to maintain an effective political structure and improve national dialogue at a time when the quality of both is clearly at risk.— Melanie Bailey Mills, Eastern Illinois University