Lexington Books
Pages: 444
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8465-3 • Hardback • November 2014 • $162.00 • (£125.00)
978-0-7391-8466-0 • eBook • November 2014 • $153.50 • (£119.00)
Alessandra Benedicty is assistant professor of Caribbean and postcolonial literatures in French at the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the City College of New York.
Table of Contents
Preface. Haitian Studies, French Critical Theory, and Postcolonial Theory
Introduction. Possession, Dispossession, and Self-Possession: From Pathology to Healing, Braiding Intellectual Histories
Part I. Dispossessions: Nationhood, Citizenship, Personhood, and Poverty
Chapter 1. Hegel and Agamben: Materializing Philosophy, Philosophizing the Material
Chapter 2. States of Exceptions: Dayan, Trouillot, and Mbembe
Chapter 3. The Newest Utopia: ‘Ending Poverty’
Chapter 4. Mbembe’s “Unhappiness” and Trouillot’s “Fundamentally New Subjects”
Part II. Possession Dispossessed: Pathologizing and a ‘Western’ Intellectual History of Possession
Chapter 5. ‘Unhappiness’ as Taboo: Anthropology, Psychology, and the Disciplining of ‘Possession’
Chapter 6: Fostering Revolution? Breton’s “Haitian Lectures”
Chapter 7: Leiris, “Le grand possédé”: Ethiopia, Europe, and Haiti
Chapter 8: From Haiti to Brazil, From Herskovits to Métraux: Anthropology and Human Rights
Chapter 9: Verger’s Image in Bataille’s Tears of Eros: Hollier’s Dispossessed Intellectuals and Vodou Thought
Chapter 10: Possession, a Threshold to a Biopolitical Order: De Certeau, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, and Athena Athanasiou
Part III. Repossessing Possession: After Franco-American Ethnography, after Duvalier—Vodou in Depestre’s Hadriana dans tous mes rêves
Chapter 11. Hadriana. The “Autofiction” of the (Anti)Hero of “A New World Mediterranean”
Chapter 12. The West’s Obsession with Defining Art: Hadriana’s Joust with an Aesthetic-Empirical Order of Things
Chapter 13. Between Frankétienne and Glissant: Hadriana’s Realpolitik
Part IV. Self-Repossession: The Dispossessed and Their “New Subjectivities”—Jean-Claude Fignolé’s and Kettly Mars’s Novels
Chapter 14. On “Un-Becoming” Racial: Jean-Claude Fignolé’s Aube Tranquille
Chapter 15. Repossession as Staying and Dwelling: Kettly Mars’s L’Heure Hybride and Aux frontières de la Soif
Appendix A. Timeline combining general contexts for transatlantic and hemispheric Atlantic thought, particularly in France, Haiti, and the U.S.A.
About the author
[There are] many fascinating moments in Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken’s rich book on the question of possession as artistic metaphor, intellectual crossroads, and religious practice…. It is constructed perhaps most like a work of literature, its plot sinuous, with meanings accumulated powerfully over the course of a reading. There is a counterpoint between longer chapters, which include detailed close readings of certain texts, and shorter ones with flashes of insight that help to situate and reconfigure what has come before and after. There is a lot to hold together here: varied forms of discursive intervention, a constant return to the question of possession as practice itself within Vodou, different geographical sites and historical moments and basic ways of apprehending and acting within the world. But the book does it marvelously owing both to Benedicty-Kokken’s engaging voice and the solid conceptual direction that undergirds the entire work…. In a sense her interpretation of Depestre is the crossroads of the book, the insights here made possible precisely because of the rich cartography she offers throughout the rest of the work. Here and throughout the work, she allows us to see and understand an entangled intellectual and aesthetic configuration, one in which Haiti has been and is at the centre, in a new and transformative way.
— French Studies
Spirit Possession in French, Haitian, and Vodou Thought: An Intellectual History is an ambitious and groundbreaking work…. An interdisciplinary, provocative, and engaging study of spirit possession, Benedicty-Kokken’s book provides a rigorous and important analysis of the heretofore underappreciated role of Haitian Vodou in international thought as well as a strong argument for the potential healing possibilities of possession as ‘a practice that should not be pathologized, but held up as a model of dealing with an ever-upsetting and disenfranchised global order’. The intellectual history established here encourages, and no doubt will inspire, further study of possession, especially by Haitian ethnographers and/ or practitioners in Haiti. The breadth and depth of this study make it an essential read for not only Haitian studies and postcolonial scholars, but also for those whose work engages in ethnography, anthropology, philosophy, psychiatry, religious studies, and French studies more generally.
— Contemporary French Civilization
All in all, Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken has produced a most rigorous theoretical text that deeply probes the notions of possession in Atlantic intellectual history. Relying on Western ethnographic accounts of spirit possession and Haitian literary tropes of ‘self-possession,’ she draws attention to Africans’ historical dispossession of rights to land and citizenship (in tandem with the disavowal of their humanity). In doing so, the author proves her salt as a multidisciplinary scholar capable of integrating several fields of inquiry into Haitian cultural thought. Furthermore, the appendix alone serves as a major contribution to Atlantic intellectual histories of the twentieth century. Most poignantly, the introduction and conclusion offer bookends with invocations of two prominent Haitian scholars…. Indeed, keeping in line with the Latin root of possession—possidere, with potis meaning able, capable and sedere meaning to sit, to inhabit— Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken’s book is one to sit with and inhabit.
— Journal of Haitian Studies
The book opens promising paths in that sense and we must salute the audacity of the author’s multicentered reflections as well as her erudition. It also encourages a much-needed interrogation of our methods, assumptions, origins, and cultural influences.
— New West Indian Guide