Lexington Books
Pages: 250
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8400-4 • Hardback • July 2015 • $121.00 • (£93.00)
978-1-4985-1768-3 • Paperback • May 2017 • $59.99 • (£46.00)
978-0-7391-8401-1 • eBook • July 2015 • $57.00 • (£44.00)
Franck Salameh is associate professor of Near Eastern studies at Boston College, Department of Slavic and Eastern Languages and Literatures, and founding editor in chief of The Levantine Review. He is author of Language Memory and Identity in the Middle East (Lexington Books).
Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction to a Monumental Life-Story
Chapter 2: Poet, Humanist
Chapter 3: Entrepreneur, PatriotChapter 4: Child and Disciple of Humanism; Conclusions
About the Author
Salameh does something quite remarkable: he breaks out of the dominant meta-narratives hovering over twentieth-century intellectual biographies in the Middle East, which are overwhelmingly about men who founded the modern states of the Middle East, or in some cases, those who were involved in Islamist movements.... Salameh weaves together Corm’s life, work, and indeed his very personality into a coherent image, enabling the reader to vividly imagine the subject.... Salameh deftly uses Corm’s biography to add to a critical discourse that scholars like Elie Kedourie and Fouad Ajami began several decades ago.
— Bustan: The Middle East Book Review