Lexington Books
Pages: 128
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8369-4 • Hardback • July 2014 • $114.00 • (£88.00)
978-0-7391-8370-0 • eBook • July 2014 • $108.00 • (£83.00)
Nathaniel Greenberg is assistant professor of English at Northern Michigan University.
Introduction: The Aesthetic of Revolution circa 1952
Chapter One: Criminality and the Public Sphere: Notes on a Post-Revolutionary Aesthetics of Film (1953-1957)
Chapter Two: The Aesthetic of Revolution in NaGuib Mahfouz’s Children of the Alley
Chapter Three: The Criminal Inclinations of the Good Society: Naguib Mahfouz and the 1960s
Chapter Four: Partial Politics: Sectarianism and the New Woman Question in Naguib Mahfouz’s Post-Revolutionary Film and Literature
Conclusion: Mahfouz’s Wheel
Nathaniel Greenberg's book is an impressive, many-sided addition to the multitude of studies on Naguib Mahfouz. The author centers attention here on the little-known but important role Mahfouz played in the movie industry in Egypt. He also presents a full and sensitive discussion of the critical writings that have examined the Nobel Prizewinner's works. Mahfouz is properly shown to have played a pivotal role in expressing, with subtle skill and courage, the dissatisfaction and dissent that arose in mid-century Cairo, the Arab world's intellectual and cultural center, a malaise that later contributed to the present turmoil witnessed throughout today's Middle East.
— Trevor Le Gassick, University of Michigan
Written in a lucid style and well argued, this case study of an early and most explosive period in Mahfouz’s career makes a significant contribution to the study of Mahfouz as novelist, script writer, and participant in the make-up of a thriving Egyptian film industry. The author’s solid knowledge of that period and his extensive reading in the literature of the period and the cinema industry enable him to present succinctly the Mahfouzian oeuvre as reflected in the writer’s major themes and preoccupations in post-revolutionary Egypt. In its marriage of the literary and the cinematic, and focus on the existentialist and political concerns of a liberal-socialist, this monograph supplies a much needed contribution, not only to the study of Mahfouz in the Western academy, but also to the understanding of Arabic culture through the impact of Mahfouz and the Egyptian cinema.
— Muhsin al-Musawi, Columbia University