Lexington Books
Pages: 276
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8363-2 • Hardback • June 2014 • $143.00 • (£110.00)
978-0-7391-9805-6 • Paperback • November 2015 • $62.99 • (£48.00)
978-0-7391-8364-9 • eBook • June 2014 • $59.50 • (£46.00)
C. Lee Harrington is professor of sociology and affiliate of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Miami University.
Denise D. Bielby is professor of sociology and affiliated faculty in the Department of Film & Media Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Anthony R. Bardo is a doctoral candidate in social gerontology at Miami University.
1. New Areas of Inquiry in Aging, Media, and Culture - C. Lee Harrington, Denise D. Bielby and Anthony R. Bardo
Section I. Advertising and Marketing
2. Aspiration and Compromise: Portrayals of Older Adults in Television Advertising - Shyon Baumann and Kim de Laat
3. Forever Young: The New Aging Consumer in the Marketplace - Anne L. Balazs
Section II. Age Identities
4. Reflections of Old Age, Constructions of Aging Selves: Drawing Links between Media Images and Views of Aging - Anne E. Barrett, Alex Raphael, and Justine Gunderson
5. Age and Gender in Film and Television: The Case of Huong Hoang - Anthony R. Bardo
Section III. Celebrity
6. Growing Old in Celebrity Culture - Hilde Van den Bulck
7. Social Meaning of Celebrities in the Everyday Lives of Nursing Home Residents: An Exploratory Study - Nathalie Claessens
Section IV. Music
8. Music, Performance and Generation: The Making of Boomer Rock and Roll Biographies - Stephen Katz
9. “The Long Strange Trip” Continues: Aging Deadheads - Rebecca G. Adams, and Justin T. Harmon
Section V. Fandom
10. A Life Course Perspective on Fandom - C. Lee Harrington and Denise D. Bielby
11. Breaking Dusk: Fandom, Gender/Age Intersectionality, and the “Twilight Moms” - Christine Scodari
Section VI. Gender and Sexuality
12. “Let’s do it Like Grown-Ups”: A Filmic Mènage of Age, Gender, and Sexuality - Leni Marshall and Aagje Swinnen
13. Sexualizing the Third Age - Barbara L. Marshall
Section VII. Social/New Media
14. Learning New Tricks: The Use of Social Media in Later Life - Kelly Quinn
15. Polite Pigs and Emotional Elves: Age in Digital Worlds - Rosa Mikeal Martey
16. “Time to Grow Up”: The Study of Media and Aging as a Field in its Infancy - Cornel Sandvoss
17. A View from Gerontology - Merril Silverstein
The authors provide unique perspectives of aging across the life span, and support their comments with communication research findings. . . .The content could be an excellent platform for group discussions and recommendations for innovative methods for research, interventions and development of policies on aging issues. In addition, the text would be a valuable resource for studying the lives of future aging generations that are greatly influenced by the media and virtual realities.
— Anthropology & Aging
In Aging, Media, and Culture, celebrities confront their aging selves and deadheads shift gears to cause gendered life-course changes. This anthology offers intriguing insights into everyday social life in postmodernity by building on and integrating the disparate literatures of gerontological and communication theories.
— W. Andrew Achenbaum, University of Houston
Media and the marketplace generate powerful cultural signals about aging, which we consume as we make and manage our aging identities. From television and film to print, music, and social media, the authors’ illustrations reveal just how potent these images and messages are in shaping what it means to become and be old in America.
— Richard A. Settersten, Oregon State University