Lexington Books
Pages: 226
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8241-3 • Hardback • December 2013 • $128.00 • (£98.00)
978-0-7391-8242-0 • eBook • December 2013 • $121.50 • (£94.00)
Evan Lampe has taught at Endicott College, St. Thomas University, and Taipei Medical University. He is currently visiting scholar at the Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica.
Chapter 1: Introduction: Looking at the China Trade from Above and Below
Chapter 2: Power, Resistance, and Culture on the American Merchant Ship
Chapter 3: The Sea Otter Fur Trade on the Northwest Coast of America: Global Capitalism, Work, and Power
Chapter 4: Stephen Reynolds in Honolulu: Community and Class in a Pacific Port
Chapter 5: The Canton Gated Community: Workers, Elite, and the China Trade
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Evan Lampe’s compelling Labors of Empire describes another ‘triangle trade’ that enriches our understanding in at least two vital ways. First, he shows how densely the economic relations of the Northeast United States, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Pacific Coast, Honolulu, and China were linked in the first half of the nineteenth century. Second, he elaborates the way these lines of connections are organized and sustained by a rich multicultural workforce including Amerindians, Euro-Americans, and Chinese often working in the shadow of British, Russian, and Spanish navies and merchants.
— Thomas Bender, New York University
Lampe is to be commended. . . .[R]esearchers and historians of early American commerce in the Pacific . . . need to read this work, as it succeeds admirably in laying out the scope of its thesis and the issues of working people engaged in the enterprise.
— International Journal of Maritime History
[A] valuable contribution to maritime history, labor history, and the still-burgeoning field of Pacific studies.
— Journal of American History