Lexington Books
Pages: 186
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8209-3 • Hardback • September 2014 • $120.00 • (£92.00)
978-1-4985-0170-5 • Paperback • March 2017 • $55.99 • (£43.00)
978-0-7391-8210-9 • eBook • September 2014 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
Eve Sandberg is chair of the Politics Department at Oberlin College.
Kenza Aqertit is National Democratic Institute (NDI)-Nepal country director.
Chapter 1: Institutional Theories, Feminist Theories, and Moroccan Women Activists
Chapter 2: Creating Morocco’s Post-Independence Gender Institution
Chapter 3: The Agency of Moroccan Women
Chapter 4: Changing Rules and Paths within Institutions within Institutions and the Creation of Discursive Initiatives to Alter Morocco’s Gender Discourses
Chapter 5: Resources
Chapter 6: The Sum is Greater Than Its Parts
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Among the most valuable aspects of Sandberg's and Aqertit's new book is their revealing how very specific Moroccan women became women's rights activists, how they strategized and organized over several decades, and how they pushed the monarchy, male party leaders, judges, and fellow Moroccans to deeply rethink the family, modernization, and democracy.
— Cynthia Enloe, Clark University
Sandberg and Aqertit combine a sophisticated (and innovative) theoretical framework with nuanced empirical analysis. The Moroccan case is crucial; it is paradoxically unique and similar to other countries. As a result, Moroccan Women, Activists, and Gender Politics will furnish scholars and analysts with valuable insights about an important story of the institutional and societal transformation of gender in Morocco. And their institutional analysis of gender is a framework that can and will be used to investigate other countries that have experienced profound social reform and change.
— Gregory White, Smith College, co-editor of Journal of North African Studies