Lexington Books
Pages: 278
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-4268-4 • Hardback • April 2010 • $133.00 • (£102.00)
978-0-7391-8067-9 • Paperback • December 2012 • $56.99 • (£44.00)
978-0-7391-4270-7 • eBook • April 2010 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
Theodore R. Schatzki is professor and associate dean of faculty in the department of philosophy at the University of Kentucky. He is author of Social Practices: A Wittgensteinian Approach to Human Activity and the Social, The Site of the Social: A Philosophical Exploration of the Constitution of Social Life and Change, and Martin Heidegger: Theorist of Space, as well as coeditor of The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory.
Chapter 1 Preface
Part 2 Chapter 1. The Timespace of Human Activity
Chapter 3 Objective Time and Space
Chapter 4 Social Space-time
Chapter 5 The Timespace of Human Activity
Chapter 6 On the Intellectual Contexts of Activity Timespace
Chapter 7 The Social Character of Activity Timespace
Part 8 Chapter 2. Activity Timespace and Social Life
Chapter 9 Human Coexistence
Chapter 10 The Coordination of Actions
Chapter 11 Social Organizations, Events, and Systems
Chapter 12 Harvey on Space-Time and Space-Time Compression
Chapter 13 Conflict and Power
Chapter 14 Landscapes
Part 15 Chapter 3. The Dominion of Teleology
Chapter 16 Outline of a Theory of Human Activity
Chapter 17 Emotional Activity
Chapter 18 Ceremony and Ritual
Chapter 19 Sacred Worlds
Part 20 Chapter 4. Activity and History as Indeterminate Temporalspatial Events
Chapter 21 Human Activity as Event
Chapter 22 The Indeterminacy of Activity
Chapter 23 Human Activity as Flowing
Chapter 24 On History and Historicity
Ted Schatzki is a leading figure in the philosophy of the social sciences. The Timespace of Human Activity represents a major development of the philosophy of practice, articulated in his previous books. Drawing principally on the work of Martin Heidegger, Ted Schatzki explores the way in which the world is constituted through human activity activity and how that world influences the very possibility of our existence. Schatzki builds his analysis through careful exegesis of the works of Heidegger, Lefebvre, Bergson, and others, interspersing his interpretations with vivid examples from everyday life. The book speaks to existential issues which have become central to contemporary debates in the social sciences and philosophy and will be required reading for all those interested in what it is to be human.
— Anthony King, University of Exeter
In this exciting and inspiring book, Schatzki turns previous accounts of social practice inside-out to reveal the timespace of human activity. With each chapter new lines of enquiry come tumbling forth, challenging and at the same time invigorating established agendas across sociology, psychology, history, and geography.
— Elizabeth Shove, Lancaster University
With this book, Ted Schatzki provides a remarkable synthesis and expansion of his past work. By adding considerations of time and space, practice, and the role of performance, the ceremonial, and teleological in human action to a Heideggerian starting point, he gives us a novel approach to the philosophy of action that gets beyond formalism and meaningfully connects with substantive problems.
— University of South Florida, Stephen Turner,