Lexington Books
Pages: 178
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-0-7391-7560-6 • Hardback • December 2014 • $121.00 • (£93.00)
978-0-7391-7561-3 • eBook • December 2014 • $115.00 • (£88.00)
Jeremy Pierce teaches philosophy at Le Moyne College.
Chapter 1: Natural Kinds and the Analogy of Species
Chapter 2: Natural Kinds and Race
Chapter 3: Classic Anti-Realism
Chapter 4: Glasgow’s Anti-Realism
Chapter 5: Social Construction and Biological Constructionism
Chapter 6: Races and the Metaphysics of Objects and Groups
Chapter 7: Context-Sensitive Features of Racial Classification
Chapter 8: The Ethics of the Metaphysics of Race
Chapter 9: Colorblindness, Implicit Bias, and Essentialized Categories
Pierce . . . discusses how more recent ways of classifying people racially are incompatible with the one-drop rule and that rule's dependence on a clear-cut U.S. black-white binary. . . .I respect Pierce for hoping that future generations can accomplish some measure of racial justice. I would recommend this book to analytic metaphysicians, philosophers of race, philosophers of biology, philosophers of language, and anyone else who might be interested in how contemporary analytic metaphysics can help us conceive of race and how racial classifications work. . . .Pierce's philosophical prose gracefully weaves together . . . apparently disparate topics.
— Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Jeremy Pierce masterfully applies contemporary analytic work on the metaphysics of natural kinds to the question of the existence of races. He argues that races are social constructions rather than biological kinds; while this makes talk of races problematic in some ways, Pierce claims that we should continue to use race-talk while correcting some of its problematic features, as to stop talking about races would be to overlook important historical injustices. This book will be of great significance to anyone interested in philosophical questions about race.
— Ben Bradley, Syracuse University
In A Realist Metaphysics of Race, Jeremy Pierce clearly lays out the terrain of the leading theories about what races are (that is, if they ‘are’ at all) and gives a compelling argument that they are social constructions. Races, in his view, are real; they are not natural kinds, but social kinds—and social kinds with important context sensitivities. While primarily a work in ‘applied metaphysics’, Pierce’s treatment ranges broadly—and competently—across a wide range of philosophical sub-disciplines: philosophy of science, philosophy of language, experimental philosophy, contextualism. The result is a nuanced and informative coverage of important issues that philosophers—and the discipline of philosophy—cannot afford to ignore.
— Kevin Timpe, William H. Jellema Chair in Christian Philosophy, Calvin College
Philosophy of race is a vibrant, maturing field and Jeremy Pierce's book is a cutting-edge addition to the literature. He offers perhaps the most thorough critique of Joshua Glasgow's anti-realism thus far and his defense of social constructionism is novel in a number of respects. Most notably, he pushes us to take seriously the idea that social practices can be generative of racial difference as an experienced reality without thereby creating the groups we call races. His suggestion that these groups pre-exist the social constructions that make them significant is a fascinating metaphysical proposal.
— Chike Jeffers, Dalhousie University