Lexington Books
Pages: 362
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-5012-2 • Hardback • March 2012 • $150.00 • (£115.00)
978-0-7391-7486-9 • eBook • March 2012 • $142.50 • (£110.00)
Mark Sanders is a faculty associate with the Center for Professional and Applied Ethics. He became the undergraduate coordinator for the Philosophy Department in 2011.
J. Jeremy Wisnewski is associate professor of philosophy at Hartwick College and the coordinator of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program.
Part I: Ethics and the Classical Phenomenologists
Chapter 1: A Phenomenological Ethics of the Absolute Ought: Investigating Husserl’s Unpublished Ethical Writings
Sophie Loidolt
Chapter 2: Between Scheler and Hartmann: Problems of a Material Value-Ethics
Eugene Kelly
Chapter 3: Heidegger’s Aristotelian Ethics
J. Jeremy Wisnewski
Chapter 4: Metaphysics after ‘the End of Metaphysics’: Recovering ‘the Good’ from Heidegger
Lawrence Vogel
Chapter 5: Merleau-Ponty and the Ethics of Engagement
Mark Sanders
Chapter 6: The Hell of Our Choosing: Sartre’s Ethics and the Impossibility of Interpersonal Conversion
Ed Grippe
Chapter 7: Levinasian Autonomy: How to Free a Hostage
Dwight Furrow and Mark Wheeler
Part II: Phenomenological Approaches to Issues in Ethics
Chapter 8: Hands-On Care: Tactility and Ethical Performance
Maurice Hamington
Chapter 9: The Phenomenological Shift of Parenthood
Janet Donohoe
Chapter 10: Coding the Dictatorship of ‘the They:’ A Phenomenological Critique of Digital Rights Management
Gordon Hull
Chapter 11: Person and Environment: Vital Sympathy and the Roots of Environmental Ethics
John White
Chapter 12: Husserl and the Responsibility and Sacrifice of Derrida
Janet Donohoe
Chapter 13: War as katharsis? Scheler’s Phenomenological Analysis
Susan Gottlöber
Chapter 14: Eichmann in Athens: Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Levinas and the New Problem of Evil
Lawrence Vogel
Chapter 15: From the Other to the Subject: Simone de Beauvoir and Judith ButlerLeah McClimansChapter 16: Phenomenology as an Ascetic Practice
Paul Gyllenhammer
Ethics and Phenomenology is an uncommonly interesting and well-integrated collection of essays. Beginning with new insights into the ethical thought of an array of phenomenological figures, the volume ends with a set of original ideas inspired by them. The collection provides illuminating connections between both well-known and less well-known philosophers and it delves into an important range of contemporary issues including medical care, good parenting, intellectual property law, the environment, war, evil, and the status of women. Reminding us again of the richness of the phenomenological tradition, this collection also helps us to think better about our ethical aspirations.
— Georgia Warnke, University of California, Riverside
This fresh and engaging collection fills a gap in our thinking about the relationship between ethics and phenomenology. The range of phenomenologists covered and explained in reader-accessible ways is enormous. Most importantly, the volume addresses ethical issues of major importance: for example, parenthood, the environment, and the digital revolution. This book is worth reading cover to cover and would make a superior text for a thorough course in phenomenology.
— Rosemarie Tong, Distinguished Professor in Health Care Ethics and director of the Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of Nort
Ethics and Phenomenology contains original, productive work on ethics. Part I of this book contains critical evaluations of the contributions to ethics made by the founding phenomenological thinkers, and Part II contains studies of contemporary ethical issues inspired by phenomenological methods. This book brings new understanding of classical authors and new insight in contemporary ethical debates.
— Al Lingis, Penn State University