Lexington Books
Pages: 262
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-7421-0 • Hardback • March 2013 • $105.00 • (£81.00)
978-1-4985-5721-4 • Paperback • March 2017 • $59.99 • (£46.00)
978-0-7391-7422-7 • eBook • March 2013 • $57.00 • (£44.00)
Karen Goodnough is anassociate professor at Memorial University.
Cecile Badenhorst is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at Memorial University. She has written three books in this area: Research Writing (2007), Dissertation Writing (2008), and Productive Writing (2010).
Gerald Galway is an associate professor and associate dean of education at Memorial University.
Robert Kelly teaches teacher candidates as a member of the Faculty of Education of Memorial University.
Thomas Falkenberg
Karen Goodnough
Part I.
Chapter 1: The Essence of Teacher Education
Gerald Galway
Chapter 2: Bridging the Grand Chasm: Teacher Education — Schools and Teachers
John R. Wiens
Chapter 3: Re-orienting Postsecondary Educational Practice to Address Sustainability: The “Gravity” of it all
Garth Pickard
Chapter 4: Giving Higher Priority to Subject Content and Pedagogy in Pre-service Education
Clive Beck and Clare Kosnik
Chapter 5: Preparing Future Teachers for Inclusive Education
Carla DiGiorgio
Chapter 6: Students’ Perceptions of Effective Teaching in Higher Education
Jerome Delaney, Albert N. Johnson, Trudi D. Johnson, and Dennis L. Treslan
Part II.
Chapter 7: Innovative Practices in Teacher Education
Cecile Badenhorst
Chapter 8: Video-centered Communities of Practice: Empowering Teachers to be Reflective Practitioners
Ron Tinsley and Kimberly Lebak
Chapter 9: Excellence in Teaching and Learning: Making a Difference with a First Nations School and University School of Education Collaboration
Dianne Glasby-Debassige, Gayle Payette, Karen McColman, David Buley, Jan Buley, and Patricia Danyluk
Chapter 10: Critical Friendship in Self-Study: Fostering Co-learning through the Adoption of Just-in-Time-Teaching
Karen Goodnough and Pam Osmond
Chapter 11: Innovation in Graduate Education: Dealing with the “Front End” of a Transborder Hybrid Course Collaboration
Katina Pollock and Sue Winton
Part III.
Chapter 12: Emerging Issues in Teacher Education
Rob Kelly
Chapter 13: Inspirations and Challenges for Innovation in Teacher Education
Tom Russell
Chapter 14: Using Technology to Expand Teaching and Learning Opportunities in Rural Canada
Ken Stevens
Chapter 15: Challenging the Theory/Practice Divide in Higher Education: The Teaching Clinics Model of Work-Integrated Learning
Louise Watson, Jim Woolnough, Iain Hay, Lynne Hellyer, and Darryl Stuckey
Chapter 16: An Induction and Mentoring Framework for Student Teachers’ and Beginning Teachers’ Professional Development
Shun-wing Ng
About the Contributors
The array of authors in this book, from all levels of education, provides a wonderful series of lenses by which to ‘see’ the complex field of teacher education. I particularly appreciated the range of foci from what is innovative and new in teacher education, through how to better utilize what is already known, to challenges and contexts that require more attention. A good read for those seeking the insights of many that work within and seek to further teacher education.
— Mark Hirschkorn, University of New Brunswick
This book is vast and offers the reader an erudite study of the complexity of teacher education today. Compelling in its Canadian content, enriched by its international scope and guided throughout by a respect for evidence, this book proffers insights and ideas that speak to the challenges in teacher education today. It is both thought-provoking and practical, energizing and hopeful. This ambitious resource will be of enormous benefit to me as a teacher educator and to the pre and in-service teachers with whom I engage in this complicated endeavour we call teaching.
— Fiona J. Benson, McGill University