Lexington Books
Pages: 262
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-0-7391-7121-9 • Hardback • April 2012 • $133.00 • (£102.00)
978-0-7391-7122-6 • eBook • March 2014 • $126.00 • (£97.00)
Leonard Moss attended three state universities (Oklahoma, Indiana, and California), then taught American and European literature at a fourth (SUNY at Geneseo), where he directed a program in comparative studies until his retirement. The best part of teaching, he felt, was swapping ideas with his students; he learned as much as they did from the lively give-and-take of guided discussions.
As a Fulbright professor he chaired the English Department at the University of Athens in 1976-77, and taught graduate English majors at the Foreign Studies University in Beijing in 1985-87 and again in 1993-94. In Beijing he met and married, after surmounting formidable bureaucratic obstacles, Shaoping Wu, a spirited English teacher. Recalling their courtship, travels, and dealings with difficult officials, they co-authored a memoir entitled China Was Paradise, China Was Hell! They also co-authored a son, now a bio-tech craftsman in Boston.
Professor Moss has written books on Arthur Miller, Joseph Conrad, literature and evolution, and tragedy and philosophy. He edited the journal of the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association in Providence from 1998 to 2004. Now he lives in happy retirement with his wife in Walnut Creek, California (lenmoss@gmail.com).
Introduction: The Languages of Paradox
Part I: The Narrative Language
Chapter 1: The Masculine Model
Chapter 2: The Tragic Female
Chapter 3: The Tragic Sequence
Chapter 4: Shakespeare’s Dangerous Companion
Chapter 5: The Relevance of Hegel
Part II: The Metaphorical Language
Chapter 6: The Artistry of Flux
Chapter 7: The Logic of Dreams
Part III: The Rhetorical Language
Chapter 8: Plato’s Paragon
Chapter 9: Milton’s Potpourri
Chapter 10: Shakespeare’s Paradox
Conclusion: The Truth of Tragedy
Two Checklists, 1900-2010
The Theory of Tragedy
Plato and Aristotle on the Craft of Literature (Annotated)
With The Tragic Paradox, Leonard Moss succeeds admirably in demonstrating how major tragic figures in Western literature are defined not by monolithic grandeur, but by self-contradiction. Shakespeare’s phrase in Coriolanus—'Strengths by strengths do fail'— encapsulates the paradox at the heart of tragedy: it is not exterior forces or inner weakness but rather the striving for greatness itself that causes the tragic protagonist to fall. In some cases it is a stubborn adherence to a model of masculinity, in others a threat to pride or position that triggers an emotional blindness. Discussing major theoreticians of tragedy (Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, and Nietzsche) as well as major practitioners (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Shakespeare, and Milton), Moss works on both the macro and the micro level. In the first part of the book, titled 'The Narrative Language,' he shows how narrative design in tragedy carries out the paradox and in the second two parts, 'The Metaphorical Language' and 'The Rhetorical Language,' he analyzes how paradox functions on the level of figures and images. On both levels, Moss’s readings illuminate a fruitful approach to the understanding of tragedy.
— Mary Anne Frese Witt, author of "The Search for Modern Tragedy: Aesthetic Fascism in Italy and France" (Cornell UP, 2001)