Lexington Books
Pages: 140
Trim: 6⅜ x 9⅜
978-0-7391-6778-6 • Hardback • December 2012 • $113.00 • (£87.00)
978-0-7391-6779-3 • eBook • December 2012 • $107.00 • (£82.00)
Marcia S. Morgan is currently assistant professor of philosophy at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. She is the co-editor of “The Concept of the Beautiful” (Lexington Books 2012). She received both her Ph.D. and M.A. from the New School for Social Research in New York, New York.
Preface: Why Kierkegaard and Critical Theory Now?
Chapter One: Introduction to Kierkegaard and Critical Theory
Chapter Two: Kierkegaard and First Generation Critical Theory: Marcuse and Adorno
Chapter Three: Adorno’s Kierkegaard and the Influence of Lukács
Chapter Four: The Influence of Walter Benjamin
Chapter Five: Second Generation Critical Theory: Habermas, Kierkegaard, Postnationalism
Chapter Six: Habermas, Kierkegaard, and Postsecularism
Chapter Seven: Conclusion: Martin Matuštík and Radical Existential Praxis
Marcia Morgan’s accessible work reaffirms a historically and conceptually productive connection between Kierkegaard and several generations of critical theory from 1929 to the present. Putting away ‘once and for all’ Adorno’s influential antisocial portrait of Kierkegaard, Morgan rehabilitates existential subjectivity as a necessary critical singularity for an open multicultural and interfaith future. Kierkegaard and Critical Theory invites a partnership between radical existential praxis and critical theory requisite for a new understanding of political and religious conflicts in global postnational and postsecular conditions.
— Martin Beck Matustik, Arizona State University