Lexington Books
Pages: 188
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-6702-1 • Hardback • December 2012 • $120.00 • (£92.00)
978-0-7391-6703-8 • Paperback • December 2012 • $57.99 • (£45.00)
978-0-7391-6704-5 • eBook • December 2012 • $55.00 • (£42.00)
Jason Pierceson is an associate professor of political science and legal studies at the University of Illinois Springfield.
Adriana Piatti-Crocker is an associate professor at the University of Illinois Springfield and is a comparative politics scholar on Latin America and gender and politics.
Shawn Schulenberg is an assistant professor and director of graduate studies in the department of political science at Marshall University.
Part I: Themes
Chapter 1: Diffusion of Same-Sex Policies in Latin America
Adriana Piatti-Crocker
Chapter 2: The Lavender Tide? LGBT Rights and the Latin American Left Today
Shawn Schulenberg
Chapter 3: Support for Same-Sex Marriage in Latin America
Germán Lodola and Margarita Corral
Chapter 4: Variations in the Judicialization of Same-Sex Marriage Politics in Latin America
Jason Pierceson
Part II: Countries
Chapter 5: Same-Sex Partnership Rights in Central America: The Case of Panama
Shawn Schulenberg
Chapter 6: The Creation of Civil Partnerships in Uruguay
Diego Sempol
Chapter 7: Same-Sex Couples in Colombia: Three Models for their Legal and Political Recognition
Daniel Bonilla
Chapter 8: Legal Mobilization and the Road to Same-Sex Marriage in Argentina
Maria Gracia Andía
Chapter 9: The Battle for Marriage Equality in Mexico, 2001-2011
Genaro Lozano
This volume assembles some of the most innovative authors working on LGBT politics in Latin America. The study of LGBT rights is an exciting new dimension in the study of the quality of democracy that has long been ignored. This volume proves that the study of the politics of sexuality, like the activism on behalf of sexuality rights in Latin America, is here to stay.
— Javier Corrales, Amherst College
This terrific follow up to Same-Sex Marriage in the Americas presents an incisive and comprehensive picture of the evolution of the issue across Latin America. The editors and contributors bring their critical insights to advance the understanding of the development of same-sex marriage policy through the use of a wide range of approaches and tools. From the fascinating case studies to the doctrinal analysis and the public opinion data, this volume impresses in every dimension.
— Charles Anthony "Tony" Smith, University of California, Irvine