Lexington Books
Pages: 126
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-0-7391-6638-3 • Hardback • October 2011 • $105.00 • (£81.00)
978-0-7391-6639-0 • eBook • October 2011 • $99.50 • (£77.00)
Daniel E. Lee is professor of ethics and director of the Center for the Study of Ethics at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois and guest professor in the College of Philosophy, Shanghai Normal University in Shanghai, China.
1 Preface
2 Prologue
3 1. Goat Island
4 2. Across the Continent by Rail
5 3. Harvard
6 4. New London
7 5. Fishers Island
8 6. Waiting to Ship Out
9 7. Shipping Out!
10 Epilogue
11 Index
12 About the Author
Daniel E. Lee’s Letters from a Sailor: America at War 1917-1918 features correspondence between navy enlistee Conrad Ostroot and his Moscow, Idaho family as he trains for deployment in World War I. The often poignant letters will resonate with members of the armed forces and their families as Ostroot’s emotions, fears, and concerns are timeless.