Lexington Books
Pages: 178
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-0-7391-6483-9 • Hardback • May 2013 • $91.00 • (£70.00)
978-0-7391-8399-1 • eBook • May 2013 • $86.50 • (£67.00)
Brian Lightbody is associate professor of philosophy at Brock University in Ontario, Canada. He is the author of Philosophical Genealogy and co-editor of The Logic ofIncarnation. He has authored numerous articles and book chapters on such thinkers as: Nietzsche, Foucault, Haack and Marcuse.
Chapter One: What is Naturalism?
Chapter Two: Methodological Naturalism
Chapter Three: Substance Naturalism
Chapter Four: Varieties of Naturalism: Ontological Naturalism
Chapter Five: Varieties of Naturalism: Epistemological Naturalism
Chapter Six: Varieties of Naturalism: Ethical Naturalism
Blending analytic and continental traditions, Brian Lightbody offers a wonderfully clear and comprehensive exploration of the struggle to be thoroughly naturalistic. While extolling the attitudes of naturalistic philosophers who dare to unearth metaphysical assumptions in others, Lightbody warns us of the more difficult task: to ferret out our own ideological baggage, to be mindful, especially, of the circularity inherent in the knower and the known.
— Malcolm Murray, University of Prince Edward Island