Lexington Books
Pages: 332
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-4648-4 • Hardback • February 2011 • $150.00 • (£115.00)
978-0-7391-4650-7 • eBook • February 2011 • $142.50 • (£110.00)
Michelle A. Holling is associate professor of communication at California State University San Marcos. Bernadette M. Calafell is associate professor of communication at the University of Denver.
Chapter 1 Preface
Chapter 2 Introduction
Part 3 Section One. Locating Foundations
Chapter 4 Chapter One. Listening to Our Voices: Latina/os and the Communities They Speak
Chapter 5 Chapter Two. Tracing the Emergence of Latin@ Vernaculars in Studies of Latin@ Communication
Chapter 6 Chapter Three. The Rhetorical Legacy ofCoyolxauhqui: (Re)collecting and (Re)membering Voice
Part 7 Section Two. Acts of In/Exclusion
Chapter 8 Chapter Four. Gender Politics, Democratic Demand and Anti-Essentialism in the New York Young Lords
Chapter 9 Chapter Five. DREAMers' Discourse: Young Latino/a Immigrants and the Naturalization of the American Dream
Chapter 10 Chapter Six.Nuestro Himno as Heterotopic Mimicry: On the Ambivalences of a Latin@ Voicing
Chapter 11 Chapter Seven.Latinidad in Ugly Betty: Authenticity and the Paradox of Representation
Part 12 Section Three. Trans/National Voces
Chapter 13 Chapter Eight. Of Rocks and Nations:Voces Rockeras [Rock Music Voices] and the Discourse of "Nationality"
Chapter 14 Chapter Nine. When Sexual Becomes Spiritual: Lila Downs and the Body of Voice
Chapter 15 Chapter Ten. 'This is One Line You Won't Have to Worry about Crossing': Crossing Borders and Becoming
Chapter 16 Chapter Eleven. Hablando Por (Nos)Otros, Speaking for Ourselves: Exploring the Possibilities of 'Speaking Por' Family and Pueblo in the Bolivian Testimonio Sí Me Permiten Hablar [Let Me Speak!]
Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces: Somos de Una Voz?is a diverse, interdisciplinary collection of essays providing insights into scholarship on Latina/o communication. . . .The essays provide a wide-reaching, interdisciplinary contribution to Latina/o studies. . . .The volume provides a rich resource of theoretical, methodological and critical lessons for readers of Latino Studies interested in Latina/o 'voices.'
— Latino Studies
Holling and Calafell’s volume shows a subtle awareness of an ‘ethnography of speaking’ in its analysis of how Latin@ identity is constructed or contested discursively in multimodal ways and in a variety of settings. Indeed, anyone interested in inquiring more about how identity discourse both frames and is framed by economic processes, cultural histories, (trans-)national politics, as well as meta-pragmatically in everyday interactions by those performing ethnic identities, will find this book to be an intriguing introduction to LVD as a critical lens for such inquiries.
— Discourse & Society
Are we of one voice? Could we be? Should we be? Why would we want to be? These are the underlying and nagging questions that scholars of Latina/o communication and discourse wrestle with as part of the very nature of the topic. Holling and Calafell have gathered a collection of essays and suggested sources that will facilitate the inclusion of this rich area of inquiry into both the traditional communication classroom, as well as specialized courses designed to analyze and critique Latina/o discourse.
— Sarah Amira de la Garza, Arizona State University
An excellent anthology. Holling and Calafell have put together a highly coherent collection of essays that establish a significant foundation for the next generation of Latina/o scholarship in communication studies. Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces will be of tremendous value to scholars and students interested in contemporary Latina/o discursive practices.
— Fernando Delgado, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces: Somos de Una Voz?'s eclectic perspectives and commitment to problematizing rather than canonizing its discourse are the volume's strengths. This book is an invaluable source of cutting-edge research on the rhetorical histories and possible trajectories of latina/o communication studies.
— D. Robert DeChaine, California State University, Los Angeles