Lexington Books
Pages: 130
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¾
978-0-7391-2787-2 • Hardback • December 2009 • $114.00 • (£88.00)
978-0-7391-4400-8 • eBook • December 2009 • $108.00 • (£83.00)
Bonnie G. Mani is an associate professor of political science at East Carolina University. She is the author of Women, Power, and Political Change.
Chapter 1. Barriers and Facilitators to the Advancement of Women in Public Service: What Every Mentor's Protégé Should Know
Chapter 2. Women, Men, and Human Capital Development in the Internal Revenue Service: What's the Difference?
Chapter 3. Female and Male Veterans and Nonveterans: What's the Latest on their Career Advancement in the Federal Civil Service?
Chapter 4. Strategies for Human Capital Development: Employee and Organization Development
Chapter 5. Mentors, Protégés, and Individual Development Planning
Chapter 6. Developing Leaders to Meet Future Needs
Chapter 7. Conclusions
As the need for succession planning looms over the public sector, this book offers a timely antidote for the challenges ahead. Packed with all of the relevant studies of the past few decades and bolstered by original research, Bonnie Mani provides both guideposts and specific recommendations for human capital development and the difference gender makes. H.R. offices and concerned managers should heed the lessons within if they want to change gender disadvantages of the past. This book is a gem for anyone interested in advancing women's leadership in the public sector.
— Georgia Duerst-Lahti, Beloit College