Lexington Books
Pages: 190
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-1071-3 • Hardback • August 2005 • $108.00 • (£83.00)
978-0-7391-2029-3 • Paperback • November 2006 • $53.99 • (£42.00)
Richard Serrano is associate professor in the Department of French, Program in Comparative Literature, Program in Middle Eastern Studies, and Center for African Studies at Rutgers University.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Africans to Their Posts: Yambo Ouologuem's Postmodern Parody of the Postcolonial
Chapter 3 Words of the Tribe: Rabearivelo's Mallarmé in Madagascar
Chapter 4 Jean Amrouche and the Ends of L'Algérie Française
Chapter 5 Makhali-Phal and the Perils of Métissage
Chapter 6 Léon-Gontran Damas and the Invasion of Senegal
Chapter 7 Postlude as Palinode - Almost
Critiques of postcolonial theory are not in short supply, but Serrano's approach is a useful one in that it brings this discussion into the field of Francophone Studies…Serrano offers carefully researched, thoughtful analyses and a valuable antidote to reductive critical practice.
— L'esprit Créateur
Serrano's book is an engaging and challenging critical work that calls for a reevaluation of Postcolonial and Francophone Studies, as well as a revision of the relationship between the different constituencies of the French Empire.
— Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi, Stanford University