Lexington Books
Pages: 450
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-1941-9 • Hardback • March 2008 • $162.00 • (£125.00)
978-0-7391-1942-6 • Paperback • March 2008 • $78.99 • (£61.00)
978-1-4616-3303-7 • eBook • March 2008 • $75.00 • (£58.00)
Barry Zellen is deputy editor, Strategic Insights, and research director of the Arctic security project at the Center for Contemporary Conflict.
Chapter 1 Foreword
Chapter 2 Preface: Breaking the Ice
Chapter 3 1 Introduction
Chapter 4 2 Alaska in the Age of Native Land Claims
Chapter 5 3 After ANCSA: The Persistence of Subsistence
Chapter 6 4 Land Claims Come to the NWT
Chapter 7 5 Co-Management in Action: Balancing the Two Arctics
Chapter 8 6 After Land Claims: Toward the Restoration of Tribal Sovereignty
Tribal-state relationships, border problems, militant insurgencies, economic exploitation/dependence, and oil are the stuff of this fascinating book that is not about the Middle East. Barry Zellen has written a dense and meticulously researched book of the trials and tribulations of the Inuit of Canada and other indigenous peoples of Alaska, Northern Canada, and the Arctic regions as they strive for sovereignty and confront and adapt to modernity and globalization. Zellen tells a story that has significant relevance to many of the present dilemmas facing the international political economic system. Zellen's Breaking the Ice: From Land Claims to Tribal Sovereignty in the Arctic deserves broad readership.
— Thomas Johnson, Naval Postgraduate School
Zellen's book is timely to understanding modern northern dynamics. As the Arctic Ocean ice recedes and temperatures rise, there is a need to take action on any benefits and to reduce any adverse effects. His description of sovereign duality for northerners to be citizens and meaningful participants is helpful. Zellen effectively describes the importance of subsistence and how it is intertwined with land claims and co-management systems. The whole world is affected with sustainable living and environmental preservation in the same way that northern Native people are concerned for their regions. Breaking the Ice is an important contribution to Arctic understanding and open knowledge.
— Dick Hill, from the foreword
The history recorded by Zellen in this important book is very timely and relevant in our world today. We are witnessing a time of immense change around the world. The land and the protection of the environment are finally becoming a greater concern. Breaking the Ice correctly points out that it was Aboriginal peoples along with the environmental movement that were significant forces in the sustainable development approach now becoming more accepted around the world. Their struggle to re-establish self-sufficiency and self-determination within the federation of Canada, via self-government and land claims, is eloquently explained by Zellen. The differences and similarities between the Alaska Native land claims experience and the Canadian Native Land Claims experience is brilliantly told by Zellen. From the local, tribal, and territorial to the national, Zellen unfolds the intricate work that was done through land claims negotiations leading to the corporate structures and their co-management systems that ultimately will lead to self-governance, and continue to shape the 'domestic tranquility' of the Arctic.
— Edwin Kolausok, from the foreword
Barry Zellen is way ahead of the curve in the field of security studies in focusing on the intersection that state rivalries and environmental issues in the Arctic will have on global security and stability. [Zellen] highlights the important role that this part of the world will play in global security as the world increasingly focuses on climate change and other environmental aspects of security. All serious students of security studies should closely examine this work and ensure that it receives the space it deserves on their library shelves and course curriculums.
— James Russell, Naval Postgraduate School
This history of the Alaskan and Canadian arctic breaks new ground with its contemporary narration and analysis of the past three decades of political developments and with its rich findings based on documentary and Web research....This large account will guide future researchers and government agents....Recommended.
— Choice Reviews
In this sweeping political and strategic history of the North American Arctic, Barry Zellen provides us with a fascinating account of the struggle of Native Americans to regain some semblance of control over their lands. As global economic growth places a premium on securing new sources of energy resources and other raw materials, issues of sovereignty in the Far North will only grow in importance. Zellen provides the reader with the context needed to understand the ongoing international and domestic competition for control of the Arctic. This is a path-breaking study of an emergent issue in world politics.
— James J. Wirtz, Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA