Lexington Books
Pages: 132
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-1613-5 • Hardback • January 2009 • $113.00 • (£87.00)
Barbara Perry is professor of criminology at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Chapter 1 Introduction: Missing Pieces
Chapter 2 Racialized Policing
Chapter 3 Colonial Policing and Beyond
Chapter 4 Over–policing Native American Communities
Chapter 5 Under–policing Native American Communities
Chapter 6 Impacts of Disparate Policing
Chapter 7 Policing Differently?
[Perry] puts the impact of over- and under-policing in the perspective of the policing of other minority groups and Indigenous peoples in other countries; she discusses this issue within contemporary race theory, specifically the maintenance of boundaries of race. Perry also critiques solutions that have been tried and failed. She concludes that only increased Native American self-determination in operating their own justice systems has the potential to end the serious consequences of over and under-policing. This book should be read by all justice practitioners who work within Indian Country or who serve Indigenous clients. It will make you think twice about the unintended (and sometimes intended) consequences of 'business as usual' within American policing.
— Marianne Nielsen, Northern Arizona University
The linkage of race and policing is often addressed in discussions of the issues facing minorities, but rarely is there an emphasis on American Indians. The fact that racism is inherent in the relationship between Indian Country and the American government is widely accepted. But this author uses empirical research techniques to prove the point. She examines the role of racism in the history of relations between the tribes and law enforcement through the use of survey responses and interviews. The reality of the racism faced by American Indians in regard to law enforcement comes alive, and challenges the reader to act to bring about change.
— Eileen M. Luna-Firebaugh, University of Arizona