Lexington Books
Pages: 136
Trim: 6¾ x 9¼
978-0-7391-1079-9 • Hardback • June 2005 • $108.00 • (£83.00)
Jan E. Evans is Assistant Professor in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages, Division of Spanish and Portuguese, at Baylor University.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Importance of Indirect Communication
Chapter 3 The Formation of the Self in Kierkegaard and Unamuno
Chapter 4 Niebla: A Study in Kierkegaard's Esthetic Stage
Chapter 5 San Manuel Bueno, Mártit: A Study in the Ethical Life
Chapter 6 Abel Sánchez: A Study in the Possibilities for Religious Existence
Chapter 7 Conclusion
Supported by archival research on what works by Kierkegaard Unamuno actually read, Jan Evans is the first scholar to take seriously the distinction between Kierkegaard and his pseudonyms in exploring similarities and differences between these two authors on the theme of becoming a self. The result is a fresh and more discerning look at three of Unamuno's most popular novels utilizing Kierkegaard's theory of the stages of existence to show how the Spaniard portrays multiple forms of authentic existence.
— Sylvia Walsh, Stetson University
A fascinating read, Jan Evans' unusual expertise in both authors gives us original insight into the amazing affinities and fundamental divergence between them, as well as into the extent and limits of Unamuno's use of Kierkegaard. Readers at all levels of familiarity with these authors can benefit.
— M. J. Ferreira, University of Virginia
This is the first study of Unamuno and Kierkegaard that focuses attention on the latter's writerly heteronyms, a focus with immense implications for the study of Unamuno's narratives with multiple internal writers, that is, for practically all of his fictional work. The book also corrects many well-traveled misconceptions about what Unamuno read in Kierkegaard and clarifies how Unamuno's major thought diverges—often significantly—from that of the Dane with whom he has been compared.
— Thomas R. Franz, Ohio University