Lexington Books
Pages: 520
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-0-7391-0779-9 • Hardback • June 2004 • $176.00 • (£137.00)
978-0-7391-0780-5 • Paperback • June 2004 • $72.99 • (£56.00)
George Anastaplo, author of numerous books, teaches at the University of Chicago, Loyola University, and Dominican University.
Chapter 1 From Adam & Eve to Faustus
Chapter 2 Clytemnestra, Electra, and Orestes
Chapter 3 Jonah and the Ninevites
Chapter 4 Oedipus, Creon, and Antigone
Chapter 5 Abraham and Kierkegaard
Chapter 6 Socrates of Athens
Chapter 7 Jesus of Nazareth
Chapter 8 Joan of Arc
Chapter 9 Shylock and Shakespeare
Chapter 10 Thomsa More, the King, and the Pope
Chapter 11 John P. Altegeld and the Haymarketers
Chapter 12 Notorious Defendants in Our Time
Chapter 13 From Spiro T. Agnew to O. J. Simpson
In this volume, as in many others that he has written, George Anastaplo does what readers familiar with him take for granted, knowing how often he has done it and forgetting what a rare thing it is. Who else would discuss the trials of great figures in literature an history—as if they were, or had been, equally real, and subject them to a critical examination which assumes that the issues raised by them had not only been out common business as human beings to confront from the beginning, but still are? That is what Mr. Anastaplo does here, with a seriousness that challenges the intellect and imagination we all possess, and will not allow us to claim either the poet's license or the vanished past as reasons to escpe the task of unerstanding, the risk of judgment's call.
— John Van Doren
On Trial is a delight to read, at once surprising, challenging, and entertaining. The book reveals its true treasures to the reader who begins to ask, "Who or what is on trial here? Is it O.J.? Or Shylock? Or God?" Anastaplo's interrogation of the witnesses is as profound as it is playful and enchanting.
— Chris Colmo
This is a readable, scholarly work. Recommended.
— Choice Reviews
On Trial invites and deserves, and will reward, careful reading.
— John A. Murley