Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 272
Trim: 6 x 9⅜
978-0-7425-1608-3 • Hardback • June 2003 • $152.00 • (£117.00)
978-0-7425-1609-0 • Paperback • June 2003 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
978-0-585-46667-5 • eBook • September 2004 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
Scott Simon is associate professor of sociology, University of Ottawa.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Social Contests of Female Entrepreneurship
Chapter 3: Two Street Vendors
Chapter 4: A Stone Cutter
Chapter 5: A Ritual Goods Seller
Chapter 6: A Hairdresser
Chapter 7: A Café Owner
Chapter 8: A Lesbian Bar
Chapter 9: An Eel Exporter
Chapter 10: A Non-profit Dog Shelter
Chapter 11: A Global Café
Chapter 12: A Fashion Designer
Chapter 13: A Breakfast Café
Chapter 14: An Aboriginal Crafts Dealer
Chapter 15: Women in a Flower Drinking World
Chapter 16: Concluding Notes
Appendix on Methodology
Scott Simon, in Sweet and Sour: Life-Worlds of Taipei Women Entrepreneurs, takes up the specific struggle of women entrepreneurs in Taiwan during the 1980s when the economy was expanding the export sector and entering the stage of development with higher rates of economic growth. Simon . . . has gathered remarkable insights in the process that promote women's entry in new economic activities, transforming their conditions of life.
— Krishna Ahooja-Patel, Saint Mary's University, Halifax
Thought-stimulating book . . . excellent.
— Taipei Times
Sweet and Sour is an interesting and important ethnography about Taipei, Taiwan, a place that is fully integrated into a global community, and the women who own businesses there. Its ethnographic detail makes this book a pleasure to read.
— Anthropology of Work Review
This is a wonderful book. Anyone needing an ethnography of Taiwan today should assign it, as should anyone interested in East Asian societies, flexible accumulation, and gender.
— Hill Gates, Stanford University