Posthumanities and Citizenship Futures
Given the rapid and extensive developments in the techno-scientific sphere, there is a need to conceive new narratives for our species and planet that extend beyond anthropocentrism. This series reflects on the possible future outcomes of humanity and defamiliarizes the mainstream narratives about how we construct, perform, and protect our identities as humans. Books in this series explore the implications of human and non-human life forms’ coexistence within our networked world. We encourage the submission of proposals that take cross-cultural and transnational approaches, foster an ongoing dialogue between academics and scholars around the world, and explore the intersection between biosphere and technosphere in a more-than-human world.

Editor(s): Peggy Karpouzou ( and Nikoleta Zampaki (
Advisory Board: Joni Adamson, Emmanuel Alloa, Nicole Anderson, Mieke Bal, Sourav Banerjee, Arnold Berleant, Simone Bignall, Thorsten Botz-Bornstein, Dominic Boyer, Ian Buchanan, David Cecchetto, Mark Coeckelbergh, Margo DeMello, Jaime del Val, Jeff Diamanti, Rick Dolphijn, David Edward Rose, David Fancy, Francesca Ferrando, Philippe Forêt, Libe García Zarranz, Elana Gomel, Elaine Graham, Vanessa Haddad, Graham Harman, Ursula K. Heise, Eduardo Kac, Goutam Karmakar, Russell Kilbourn, Vicki Kirby, Malgorzata Kowalcze, Kevin LaGrandeur, Nidesh Lawtoo, Jinhyoung Lee, Sanna Lehtinen, Nina Lykke, Roberto Marchesini, Susan McHugh, Pramod K. Nayar, Paweł Piszczatowski, Orsola Rignani, Jean-Marie Schaeffer, Stelarc, J.J. Sylvia IV, Imre Szeman, Oxana Timofeeva, Yunus Tuncel, Munazza Yaqoob, and Philipp Wolf.
Staff editorial contact: Courtney Morales (