Science for Nonscientists | Rowman & Littlefield
Science for Nonscientists
Now the science you wish you had learned is right at your fingertips. These short and accessible introductions to fundamental scientific terms and concepts provide a basic understanding of the most widespread sciences that even the non-specialist can master and apply. Each title is perfect for course use where students have a limited science background, or are not expected to continue studies beyond the subject at hand. The books in the series are also perfect for professionals who need to look beyond their specialties and acquire knowledge in a variety of sciences to make solving on-the-job problems easier. Each book examines the key concepts, concerns, and practices of a scientific discipline and provides simple explanations of its application to the everyday life of the non-specialist and to other sciences. Priced for students, each title is concise, easy-to-understand, and suitable for future reference on the job. They also can increase the user's employment opportunities.