Race, Rites, and Rhetoric: Colors, Cultures, and Communication
This series focuses on the renegotiation of race as "black-white" and the interplay of "material/cultural" forces in the description and negotiation of everyday relations among diverse peoples. Color continues its fascination in the face of unrepented choice to define and differentiate according to physical traits. Moreover, rhetoric itself participates in the normalization of an undeniably contested terrain; perspectives and realities confront power and result in complex compromises around identity and relation. Studies that capture this tension are crucial. Race, Rites, and Rhetoric seeks to combine the concerns and challenges of persuasion recognized by the ancient scholars as actualized by everyday challenges, dilemnas, and struggles of humans living in diverse cultural settings. Through an emphasis on ritual aspects of race rhetoric, the series opens up rhetoric as perspective and practice to new audiences.

Editor(s): Aaron David Gresson III, The Pennsylvania State University
Staff editorial contact: Nicolette Amstutz (Nicolette.Amstutz@bloomsbury.com)