Polemics draws on radical political philosophy and theory to address directly the various crises that have plagued global society and capitalism in the past decade. The series presents radical critiques of and alternative visions to the existing way of doing things. The texts in this series represent philosophically rigorous but polemical interventions in contemporary global, financial, political, environmental and theoretical crises.
The series is published in partnership with CAPPE, University of Brighton.

Editor(s): Mark Devenney and Clare Woodford
Advisory Board: Wendy Brown, UC Berkeley, USA; Paula Biglieri, National University of San Martin, Argentina; Kimberley Brayson, University of Sussex, UK; Diana Coole, Birkbeck, University of London, UK; Anthony Clohesy, University of Essex, UK; Simon Critchley, The New School, USA; Robin Dunford, University of Brighton, UK; Alan Finlayson, University of East Anglia, UK; Jason Glynos, University of Essex, UK; Oliver Marchart, Kunstakademie-Duesseldorf, Germany; Patricia McManus, University of Brighton, UK; German Primera, University of Brighton, UK; Urs Staheli, University of Hamburg, Germany; Yannis Stavrakakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; Meghan Sutherland, University of Toronto, Canada; Mathijs van de Sande, University of Leuven, Belgium; Caroline Williams, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Staff editorial contact: Sarah Campbell (SCampbell@rowman.com)