Men and Masculinities in a Transnational World | Rowman & Littlefield
Men and Masculinities in a Transnational World
This interdisciplinary series highlights innovative approaches applied to understanding the experiences and struggles of boys and men around the world. Geared towards both academic and non-academic audiences and featuring cutting-edge analyses and case studies on the formations, contestations, and transformations of men and masculinities, books in this series can be adopted as undergraduate and graduate-level texts and will be of interest to policymakers and practitioners.

Editor(s): Simona Sharoni and Henri Myrttinen
Advisory Board: Raewyn Connell, Professor Emerita, The University of Sydney Paul Kirby, University of Sussex, UK Paul Higate, Bristor University, UK Marsha Henry, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Claire Duncanson, the University of Edinburgh Dennis Rodgers Shira Tarrant, University of California, Santa Barbara Adam Baird, Coventry University, UK Paul Amar, University of California Santa Barbara Maria Stern, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Robert Morrell, University of Cape Town, South Africa Natasha Danilova, The University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Nivi Manchanda, University of Leiden, Germany Kathleen Starck, Universität Koblenz · Landau, Germany Russell Luyt, Anglia Ruskin University, UK Brian Klocke, Independent Scholar, Faculty Against Rape (FAR)
Staff editorial contact: Rebecca Anastasi (