Global Epistemics
Global Epistemics is a transdisciplinary book series established in partnership with the Centre for Global Knowledge Studies (gloknos) based at the University of Cambridge, that aims to foster, promote, and disseminate empirically grounded and theoretically ambitious research on knowledge as a cultural and natural phenomenon.
The series invites individual and collaborative works that efficiently transgress contemporary disciplinary boundaries across the historical, social, and natural sciences, to fruitfully advance our understanding of the nature, history, politics, pragmatics, and normative dimensions of human knowledges – their constitution, co-evolution, diffusion, cultural and material impacts, forms, and uses – as well as their relation to non-human knowledges and to evolving socio-ecological environments. We also invite approaches to animal (human and non-human) cognition that can redefine classical philosophical questions on knowledge and knowing, or delineate new areas and horizons for philosophical and ethical inquiry, on the basis of advanced empirical research and new research methodologies.
Grounded in an anthropologically holistic understanding of knowledge that encompasses its ideational, artistic, institutional, and material manifestations across history, as well as the full spectrum of historical modes of practical and intellectual validation (from ‘prehistorical’ to ‘modern’ paradigms, practices, and technologies and from ‘ancient’ to ‘modern’ science), the series also approaches globality simultaneously as totality, extension, and connectivity. It thus aims to advance naturalist, artisanal, and historical epistemologies beyond classical ontological and temporal divides; to explore the patterns of epistemic emergence, diffusion, and exchange across historical times, geocultural spaces, ecological contexts, and sociopolitical configurations; and to investigate modes of knowing and doing that illuminate human commonalities while making sense of our differences as manifestations of our cultural and behavioural plasticity.
The series welcomes empirically grounded and intellectually robust contributions that serve its mission, regardless of their methodologies, conceptual frameworks, levels of analysis, temporal scope, or specific objects of investigation. This includes investigations of contemporaneous natural and cultural structures, processes, actors, and media of epistemic activity, as well as studies inscribed in the longue durée or deep-historical time, or addressing past or present knowledge from a comparative perspective. We are looking for projects that can speak to audiences across academic specialties, whether they aim to initiate new transdisciplinary work, disseminate the results of such research, or develop ambitious syntheses.

Editor(s): Inanna Hamati-Ataya
Advisory Board: Rigas Arvanitis (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) | Jana Bacevic (University of Cambridge) | Patrick Baert (University of Cambridge) | Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer (University of Chicago) | Maria Birnbaum (University of Bern) | Avital Bloch (Universidad de Colima) | Jenny Boulboullé (Utrecht University) | Jordan Branch (Brown University) | Sonja Brentjes (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) | Karine Chemla (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique & Université de Paris) | David Christian (Macquarie University) | James H. Collier (Virginia Tech) | Steven Connor (University of Cambridge) | Helen Anne Curry (University of Cambridge) | Shinjini Das (University of East Anglia) | Stéphane Dufoix (Université Paris Nanterre) | Sven Dupré (Utrecht University) | David Edgerton (King’s College London) | Juan Manuel Garrido Wainer (Universidad Alberto Hurtado) | Simon Goldhill (University of Cambridge) | Anna Grasskamp (University of St. Andrews) | Clare Griffin (Nazarbayev University) | Marieke Hendriksen (Utrecht University) | Dag Herbjørnsrud (Senter for global og komparativ idéhistorie) | Noboru Ishikawa (Kyoto University) | Christian Jacob (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) | Martin Jones (University of Cambridge) | Katarzyna Kaczmarska (University of Edinburgh) | Isaac A. Kamola (Trinity College, Connecticut) | Alexandre Klein (Université Laval) | Tuba Kocaturk (Deakin University) | Pablo Kreimer (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes) | Michèle Lamont (Harvard University) | Helen Lauer (University of Dar es Salaam) | G.E.R. Lloyd (University of Cambridge) | Carlos López-Beltrán (National Autonomous University of Mexico) | Eric Lybeck (University of Manchester) | Christos Lynteris (University of St Andrews) | Amanda Machin (Witten-Herdecke University) | Tara Mahfoud (King’s College London) | Maximilian Mayer (University of Nottingham Ningbo) | Willard McCarty (King's College London) | Atsuro Morita (Osaka University) | Iwan Morus (Aberystwyth University) | David Nally (University of Cambridge) | John Naughton (University of Cambridge) | Helga Nowotny (ETH Zurich) | Johan Östling (Lund University) | Ingrid Paoletti (Politecnico di Milano) | V. Spike Peterson (University of Arizona) | Helle Porsdam (University of Copenhagen) | David Pretel (The College of Mexico) | Dhruv Raina (Jawaharlal Nehru University) | Amanda Rees (University of York) | Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) | Sarah de Rijcke (Leiden University) | Francesca Rochberg (University of California at Berkeley) | Alexander Ruser (University of Agder) | Anne Salmond (University of Auckland) | Karen Sayer (Leeds Trinity University) | James C. Scott (Yale University) | Elisabeth Simbürger (Universidad de Valparaíso) | Daniel Lord Smail (Harvard University) | Fred Spier (University of Amsterdam) | Swen Steinberg (Queen’s University) | Tereza Stöckelová (Czech Academy of Sciences) | Jomo Sundaram (Khazanah Research Institute) | Liba Taub (University of Cambridge) | Daniel Trambaiolo (University of Hong Kong) | Corinna Unger (European University Institute) | Matteo Valleriani (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) | Stéphane Van Damme (European University Institute) | Andrés Vélez Posada (Universidad EAFIT) | Aparecida Vilaça (National Museum, Brazil) | Simon Werrett (University College London) | Helen Yitah (University of Ghana) | Longxi Zhang (City University of Hong Kong)
Staff editorial contact: Natalie Mandziuk (