Global Teacher Education | Rowman & Littlefield
Global Teacher Education
For the past three decades, a policy goal for K12 public education has been to help children understand that they are global citizens. The US’s role in the global economy, and the international nature of our production and consumption of goods and services, has led business to lobby for this K12 public education policy goal related to the future workforce. Government has also supported this policy goal with the ever increasing importance of international coalitions allied to stabilize regions of the world in order to stabilize the global economy. But on the ground, the effort has been spotty and piecemeal at best.

Now, a growing number of educator preparation programs (EPPs) realize that a missing element of the policy push has been teacher education. Their question is, how can we expect public school teachers to help their students become global citizens if the teachers themselves do not have a global citizenship perspective? The National Council of Chief State School Officers (NCSSO) is driving policy work around the globalization of EPPs. And in support of NCSSO’s policy goals, philanthropies – especially the Longview Foundation and the Asia Society—have awakened to the challenge and are supporting various efforts across EPPs to redesign the teacher education experience and curriculum. In support of the field’s growing awareness and need to globalize teacher education, this series gathers together the best knowledge available for globalizing EPPs, spanning theory, research, and best practices. With this series, Rowman can own this space by being first to market with a full-service, solid publishing program, and actually help shape the direction of the field (similar to the Continuous Improvement in Education Series).

Additionally, this series helps us further build our education vertical by offering MNA, PR, and REF products targeted to EPP administrators and program managers, academic libraries, and doctoral courses. There is some extant literature on the theoretical rationale for designing EPP curriculum with global experiences, and almost no literature on models and administrative for such enterprises. This series will serve that gap at a time when more EPPs are seeking to diversify and globalize the experience of their future teachers, and provide a “home” for those seeking to publish in these areas and read in these areas. The EPP market is sizable and one that we are targeting in our vertical, and this series will raise the stature of Rowman’s brand within the EPP realm. It will certainly get the attention of movers and shakers in the AACTE, ATE, and AERA, and many other areas. Lastly, we expect the series to deliver top-quality author leads for books on other topics in our developing clusters of STEM education TX/PR, Higher and Adult Education Administration PR/TX, and various other TXs and PRs.

The proposed terms are 2% royalty override for series editors.

Editor(s): Mary Curran and Nilufer Guler
Staff editorial contact: Mark Kerr (