Bridging Theory and Practice
This international series on school leadership reflects the latest cutting-edge theories and practices in school leadership. Uniquely, we seek manuscripts that bridge the perennial divide between theory and practice. The Series motto is framed after Kurt Lewin's famous statement, and we paraphrase, that there is no sound theory without practice, and no good practice that is not framed on some theory. Authors will be expected to illustrate the intimate and integral connection between the two divides. For instance, a volume may address a new theory in educational or school leadership but implications for practice are expected. Readers of the volume will be both practitioners, professors at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and policy makers.

Submit proposals, questions or concerns to Jeffrey Glanz at The Series Editor welcomes interested parties to contact him, prior to submitting a formal book proposal, to discuss potential ideas.

Editor(s): Jeffrey Glanz
Advisory Board: Köksal Banoğlu, National Ministry of Education, Istanbul, Turkiye Clair T. Berube, Virginia Wesleyan University, Virginia, USA Stephen P. Gordon, Texas State University, Texas, USA Sedat Gumus, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR Helen M. Hazi, West Virginia University at Morgantown, West Virginia – USA Jessica Holloway, Australian Catholic University, Queensland, Australia Shazia Rehman Khan, Bahria University, Pakistan Benjamin Kutsyuruba, Queen's University - Kingston, ON – Canada Fiona Longmuir, Monash University, Australia Chanina Rabinowitz, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Susan Sullivan, The College of Staten Island, CUNY, USA Melissa Tuytens, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Staff editorial contact: Nathan Davidson (