Anthropology of Daily Life
Cultural anthropologists often touch on daily life as part of their studies of other topics, but anthropological scholarship on daily life is often scattered across works concentrating on other themes. Meanwhile, daily life is becoming an increasingly popular topic of investigation in a variety of other fields of inquiry. By focusing on daily life, this series combines elements from fields as diverse as American Studies, Cultural Geography, European Ethnology, Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Museum Studies, Communication and Culture, Consumer Research, Technology and Society, and Consumption Studies. The Anthropology of Daily Life series presents investigations into particular elements of daily life, focusing on how people use and engage with objects, as well as the practices, activities, and social spaces of daily life. This examination into daily life offers profound insight into the connections between how people see the world and how they act.

Editor(s): Richard Wilk / Jessica Chelekis / Orvar Löfgren