Philosophy of Language: Connections and Perspectives
Philosophy of Language: Connections and Perspectives comprises monographs and edited collections that explore connections between the philosophy of language and other academic disciplines, or that approach the core topics of philosophy of language in the Anglo-American analytic tradition from alternative perspectives. The philosophy of language, particularly as practiced in the Anglo-American tradition of analytic philosophy, has established itself as a thriving academic discipline. Because of the centrality of language to the human experience, there are myriad connections between the core topics addressed by philosophers of language and other academic disciplines. The number of researchers who are exploring these connections is growing, but there has not been a corresponding increase in the venues for publication of this research. The central purpose and motivation for this series is to address this shortcoming.

We are therefore soliciting volumes which connect philosophy of language to other areas. To areas of philosophy of all sorts: aesthetics, ethics, history of philosophy, mind, science, social-political, etc. To areas of linguistics broadly construed: theoretical syntax and formal semantics, but also acquired and genetic impairments, dialectology, L1 and L2 acquisition, sociolinguistics, etc. And to social sciences such as anthropology, psychology and sociology. We are also keen to foster novel cultural and philosophical perspectives. The volumes will be Anglo-American in terms of writing style, but we hope to attract authors, and innovative topics, from around the globe. In particular we are at present seeking works from Africa, China and Latin America.

The series will include both monographs and edited collections. Among the former, we will occasionally publish translations of especially important works fitting the above criteria, plus exceptional post-revision dissertations. We mostly aim, however, to publish regular scholarly monographs. Among the edited volumes, our focus will be on collections of peer-reviewed commissioned papers on a specific topic. Again, however, we expect occasionally to bring out language-focused festschrifts and proceedings of conferences/workshops. The intended target audience for all of the above are scholars and advanced students.

To submit a manuscript to Philosophy of Language: Connections and Perspectives, please prepare the material described here. Please submit electronic copies of the materials described there to Professor Lenny Clapp: If more materials are required, you will be contacted by one the series editors.

Editor(s): Lenny Clapp (, Robert Stainton (, and Eleonora Orlando (
Advisory Board: Axel Barceló (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas), Chen Bo (Wuhan University), Robyn Carston (University College London), Leo Cheung (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Eduardo García (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas), Sandy Goldberg (Northwestern University), Robin Jeshion (University of Southern California), Kepa Korta (Institute of Logic, Cognition, Language and Information), Ernie Lepore (Rutgers University), Ryan Nefdt (University of Cape Town), Catrina Dutilh Novaes (Vrije University Amsterdam), Claude Panaccio (University of Quebec at Montreal), Bernhard Weiss (University of Cape Town), Dan Zeman (University of Warsaw), and Jack Zupko (University of Alberta)
Staff editorial contact: Jana Hodges-Kluck (