Library Technology Essentials
The Library Technology Essentials helps librarians get started utilizing today's hottest new technologies as well as ready themselves for tomorrow's. The series will feature titles that will cover the A-Z of how to leverage the latest and most cutting-edge technologies and trends to deliver new library services. Today's forward-thinking libraries are responding to changes in information consumption, new technological advancements, and growing user expectations by devising groundbreaking ways to remain relevant in a rapidly changing digital world. This collection of primers will guide libraries along the path to innovation through step-by-step instruction. Written by the field's top experts, these handbooks will serve as the ultimate gateway to the newest and most promising emerging technology trends. Filled with practical advice and projects for libraries to implement right now, these books will inspire readers to start leveraging these new techniques and tools today. Through this series you will learn:• The ins and outs of emerging technologies and trends relevant to libraries.• How libraries and librarians are using these cutting-edge technologies• How you can implement these technologies in your library.

Editor(s): Ellyssa Kroski