Social Class in Education
While education is often heralded as a means to social mobility, educational outcomes suggest that schools, colleges, and universities actually replicate rather than transform social class inequities. Social Class in Education focuses on the ways in which social and socioeconomic class issues, broadly defined, impact educational experiences and outcomes. We invite submissions from scholars focused on Pre-K through post-secondary environments, as well as manuscripts that explore intersections of classism and other forms of identities and oppressions. We aim to expand the conversation about how class is defined, measured, and experienced in educational settings. Scholars who use theoretical frameworks such as critical race theory, reproduction theory, and feminist theories are especially encouraged to submit proposals, though the series is open to other considerations. Successful proposals will be accessible to a multidisciplinary audience, and advance our understanding of social class, its impact on educational outcomes, and practical suggestions for narrowing economic inequality in school settings.

Editor(s): Buffy Smith ( and Victoria Svoboda (
Advisory Board: Julie Landsman, Grace Livingston, becky martinez, Maria Oropeza Fujimoto, Krista Soria, and Tanya O. Williams
Staff editorial contact: Holly Buchanan (