Faith and Politics: Political Theology in a New Key | Rowman & Littlefield
Faith and Politics: Political Theology in a New Key
“Political Theology” is a theme which straddles two major areas of inquiry: political philosophy and theology, or differently phrased: the realms of secular politics and the sacred. The relationship is marked by difference, sometimes by tension or conflict. During the past century, such conflict reached a boiling point when the Nazi regime sought to co-opt or integrate the Christian population. In opposition to this attempt, a “Confessing Church” was formed which, under the leadership of Karl Barth, issued the Barmen Declaration (May 31st, 1934). The declaration insisted on the independence of faith from political power structures while, at the same time, guarding against the pure “privatization” of faith.

In our time, the relation between religion and politics is still fraught. This tension holds true across religious traditions and political structures. This series launches new investigations into political theology on a global level. Its guiding question is “how do theology and religion provide analytical and constructive lenses to make sense of perennial and current political issues and problems?”

The Series Editors welcome proposals for monographs or edited volumes on any topic relevant to the study of politics, religion, and/or political theologies. We are specifically interested in projects in the following areas:

· Religion and Politics in South Asia and East Asia
· African Religions and African Diaspora Religions and Decoloniality
· Decolonized Religion/Indigenous Spiritualities
· Religion and Theology in the matters of War and Peace
· Ethno-Religious Nationalisms
· Faith and Religion in Political Activism and Political Movements
· Queer Theologies and Politics
· Faith, Religion, and the Politics of Bodily Autonomy

Editor(s): Lori Brandt Hale ( and W. David Hall (
Advisory Board: Marco Di Donato, University of Palermo; Chelsea Ebin, Drew University; Slava Jakelic, Valparaiso University; Joshua Mauldin, Center of Theological Inquiry; Matthew Puffer, Valparaiso University; Jeffrey W. Robbins, Lebanon Valley College; Garry Sparks, Princeton University; Robert Vosloo, Stellenbosch University
Staff editorial contact: Megan White (