Mindfulness in Education
This interdisciplinary series examines the theoretical and the practical applications of Mindfulness in Educational (MIE) contexts. Recently, an increasing number of studies on mindfulness training and related contemplative practices from a range of academic disciplines have underscored this relevance for the field of education. Prompted by the robust scientific findings of mindfulness as a tool to support physical and mental health in adult populations, several groups have sprung up over the last decade devoted to applying and evaluating mindfulness in K – 12 educational settings as well as in higher education. Teachers across the country are enrolling in mindfulness training programs, administrators are introducing mindfulness to their schools, and researchers are devising ways to evaluate the effects of mindfulness in cohorts of students and teachers. This series aims to examine the impact of the universal practices of mindfulness (being aware, paying attention, noticing, in the present moment, non-judgmentally) to the diverse pedagogical dimensions like educational psychology, educational leadership, positive psychology, the K-12 system, teacher education, social and emotional learning, and health and wellness. In particular, the books in this series will focus on the attributes that cultivate and support the development of sustainable mindfulness practices in education.

Editor(s): Karen Ragoonaden (karen.ragoonaden@ubc.ca) & Sabre Cherkowski (sabre.cherkowski@ubc.ca)
Staff editorial contact: Holly Buchanan (Holly.Buchanan@bloomsbury.com)