Gender and Activism
This book series represents the best scholarship that advances our understanding of the intersections between gender and activism. It calls for theoretically sophisticated and empirically rigorous analysis of the different ways gender plays out in social and political movements for change.

For this series, we invite single-authored titles and edited collections of essays that invigorate debates and provide robust discussion of such questions as:
● How movements for change mobilize around gender in different political and economic contexts at
particular historical moments
● The extent to which gender affects the organization, mobilization, participation in, and outcomes of
movements at the local, national and transnational levels
● How and if gender roles are reproduced, negotiated, contested, or undermined during movements
● What roles do media and digital technologies have in the gender and activism nexus

This series looks at the relationship between gender and activism and the various levels at which they intersect. We call this the gender-activism nexus. While books in this series focus primarily on gender and activism, it is important to underline that this nexus inevitably intersects with race, class, age, ethnicity and geographic locations. In this sense, the series encourages intersectionality in ways that allow the analysis of gender and activism from multiple dimensions.

Editor(s): Loubna H. Skalli ( and Kathalene Razzano
Advisory Board: Debarati Sen, Kennesaw State University; Rosemarie Buikema, Utrecht University; Sarah Mitcho, George Mason; Pia Moller, Refugees Helping Refugees; Wang Zheng, Michigan University
Staff editorial contact: Courtney Morales (