Environmental Justice and Power: Studies in Knowledge, Health, Sustainability, and Inequality
There are few series that are accessible to both academics and practitioners and have an interdisciplinary emphasis. This series seeks to move beyond the compartmentalization of issues surrounding justice and the environment by highlighting critical interdisciplinary approaches that consider intergenerational, compounded and cumulative effects of environmental burdens and benefits. Rather than viewing justice and the environment only through the lens of specific social movements, this series seeks to highlight historical and global connections, common causes and transformative solutions. We hope to bring together scholars, educators, practitioners and activists that deepen our understanding of the interplay between the social, political and economic issues that affect justice and rights.

This series is open to work that engage several aspects/principles below:
  • Explores the multi-dimensional meaning of well-being and health as they pertain to our understanding of justice
  • Explores the factors that contribute to resilience in the face of injustice
  • Explores issues of power imbalances and whose knowledge is valued, generated and disseminated and how and for whom decisions are used for policy decisions, planning on local levels, and education.
  • Examines how socio-ecological justice ‘problems’ are framed and by whom
  • Explores issues of justice, capitalism, globalization and sustainable development
  • Explores how current environmental hazards, prevention of broader scale environmental problems, and environmental justice are interrelated
  • Explores the connections among the root causes of colonial extractivism, current environmental problems and the impacts of adaptation planning today
  • Welcomes the interplay between indigeneity, and the social, political and economic issues that affect justice and rights.
Although the series is open to these topics, this is not a finite list of possibilities. This series is open to contributions from scholars of all disciplines, and practitioners and activists whose work seeks to grow beyond the labels of climate justice, energy justice, water justice, food justice, or environmental justice. Successful proposals will be accessible to a multidisciplinary audience, and advance our understanding of the socio-ecological and political economic connections over time that result in inequality and how it currently has repercussions for our future.

Editor(s): Christina Jackson, Rutgers University, and Maritza Jauregui, Stockton University
Advisory Board: Elizabeth G. Dobbins, Samford University, Raka Sen, University of Pennsylvania, and Katie McCann, Rutgers University
Staff editorial contact: Courtney Morales (Courtney.Morales@bloomsbury.com)