Historical Dictionaries of Intelligence and Counterintelligence | Rowman & Littlefield
Historical Dictionaries of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
There is a lot to like about Scarecrow's various Historical Dictionaries series. -Booklist Since September 11, 2001, the subject of intelligence, counter-intelligence, and the war on terrorism has become of greatly increased interest. With the growth of importance in the protection of the security of the state, and the waning privacy of its citizens as a result, intelligence has become a serious enough issue to be taught at our universities. Each volume includes a map, list of acronyms, chronology, bibliography and the core "dictionary," with hundreds of cross-referenced entries on key persons ranging from top politicians through agency heads and on down to such practitioners as spies, spy masters, moles and defectors. Other entries will deal with the various agencies and organizations, the increasingly sophisticated techniques, and the major operations. While certainly a field of its own, intelligence is also mentioned in other series, more particularly the series on War, Revolution and Civil Unrest, and of special interest, the volume on Terrorism in the series on Religions, Philosophies and Movements.

Editor(s): Jon Woronoff