Globalization | Rowman & Littlefield
Globalization has become the buzzword of our time. But what does it mean? Rather than forcing a complicated social phenomenon into a single analytical framework, Manfred B. Steger and Terrell Carver's series, "Globalization," seeks to present globalization as a multidimensional process constituted by complex, often contradictory interactions of global, regional, and local aspects of social life. Since conventional disciplinary borders and lines of demarcation are losing their old rationales in a globalizing world, authors in this series apply an interdisciplinary framework to the study of globalization. In short, the main purpose and objective of this series is to support subject specific inquiries into the dynamics and effects of contemporary globalization and its varying impacts across, between, and within societies. Globalization is designed as a highly accessible, reader friendly series of books aimed at introducing a large readership to the new field of "globalization studies." Authors in the series will identify and analyze crucial aspects of those political, social, economic, cultural, and ideological developments and transformations that go by the name of globalization.

Editor(s): Manfred B. Steger and Terrell Carver
Staff editorial contact: Michael Kerns (