Emerging Perspectives on Education in China
China's economic rise continues to transform its education system and drive an unprecedented expansion of educational opportunities. Meanwhile, China struggles with innumerable challenges: glaring inequalities in school access across social groups; widespread irregularities in educational financing; and declining ideological vitality at a time when schooling is being called on to stabilize an increasingly restive society. The education system is expected to reproduce a social order that can support a massive manufacturing economy, while producing innovative thinkers for a knowledge economy. While it espouses the values of socialism, it promotes private schools and universities. The demand for higher education grows while the labor market fails to absorb each year's university graduates. On top of this, overseas study continues to have global implications. Not only do science and technology industries in developed countries increasingly rely on China's postgraduate talent, but overseas students and scholars in the social sciences and humanities have spawned an intellectual renaissance. As the work of young scholars becomes accessible in English to the larger global community, myths are replaced by empirically based analyses of China's complex and fascinatingly educational transformation. This series presents the work of young scholars who demonstrate a determination to explore emerging educational issues through field based empirical research and sophisticated analyses.

Editor(s): Gerard Postiglione (gerry@hku.hk) and Zhiyong Zhu (zzy@bnu.edu.cn)
Staff editorial contact: Mark Lopez (Mark.Lopez@bloomsbury.com)