Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism | Rowman & Littlefield
Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism
Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism includes single-authored titles and edited collections of essays that engage with questions about the intersection of contemporary cultural studies, critical pedagogy, and activism, such as: How do people create knowledge and teach themselves? What are the active ways that we (re)write and (re)read ourselves into local and global contexts, against and beyond the social relations, institutions, spaces, and economic processes of global capitalism? Anticipating interdisciplinary audiences, books in the series aim to interrogate and inform pedagogical practice and activism with theoretical concerns from cultural studies, feminism, political theory and economy, rhetoric and composition, post-colonial theory, U.S. ethnic and transnational studies, and more. The series invites books that explore contemporary and historical topics that emphasize theorization, reflection, and interpretation of pedagogy and activisms in everyday life, with particular focus on issues of race, gender, ability, sexuality, class, and nation. Books in the series might address activism's intersections with pedagogy, with economic and political institutions and organizations, with situated knowledge, and with global communicative cultures and publics.

Editor(s): Rebecca S. Richards (
Advisory Board: Paul Apostolidis, Rebecca Dingo, Byron Hawk, Susan Jarratt, David Kellogg, Randi Gray Kristensen, Kevin Mahoney, Robert McRuer, Dan Moshenberg, Pegeen Reichert Powell, Rachel Riedner, April Shemak
Staff editorial contact: Judith Lakamper (