Critical Media Studies: Institutions, Politics, and Culture | Rowman & Littlefield
Critical Media Studies: Institutions, Politics, and Culture
This series covers a broad range of critical research and theory about media in the modern world. It includes work about the changing structures of the media, focusing particularly on work about the political and economic forces and social relations which shape and are shaped by media institutions, structural changes in policy formation and enforcement, technological transformations in the means of communication, and the relationships of all of these to public and private cultures worldwide. Historical research about the media and intellectual histories pertaining to media research and theory are particularly welcomed. Emphasizing the role of social and political theory for informing and shaping research about communications media, Critical Media Studies addresses the politics of media institutions at national, subnational, and transnational levels. The series will also include short, synthetic texts on key thinkers and concepts in critical media studies. ADVISORY BOARD: Patricia Aufderheide, American University; Jean-Claude Burgelman, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies; Simone Chambers, University of Toronto; Nicholas Garnham, University of Westminster; Hanno Hardt, University of Iowa; Gay Hawkins, The University of New South Wales; Maria Heller, EÜtvÜs Lorçnd University; Robert Horwitz, University of California at San Diego; Douglas Kellner, University of California at Los Angeles; Gary Marx, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Toby Miller, University of California at Riverside; Vincent Mosco, Queen's University; Janice Peck, University of Colorado; Manjunath Pendakur, Southern Illinois University; Arvind Rajagopal, New York University; Giuseppe Richeri, Universitê Svizzera Italiana; Kevin Robins, Goldsmiths College; Saskia Sassen, University of Chicago; Dan Schiller, University of Illinois; Colin Sparks, University of Westminster; Slavko Splichal, University of Ljubljana; Thomas Streeter, University of Vermont; Liesbet van Zoonen, University of Amsterdam; Janet Wasko, University of Oregon.

Editor(s): Andrew Calabrese, University of Colorado