Caribbean Studies
The series is committed to publishing work that offers new critical approaches to Caribbean scholarship on migration, disapora formation, gender issues, sexuality, race and ethnicity, history and orality. It encourages manuscripts that rethink issues related to Caribbean history, nationalism, political economy, and culture. The series is especially interested in cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary methodologies. It seeks comparative studies that examine Caribbean societies alongside others with similar histories and social structures. The editors accept work in sociology, history, literary criticism and anthropology. Editorial Board: Edna Acosta-Belen, Chair, Center for Latin, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies, SUNY-Albany; Holger Henke, Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Caribbean and the Americas, Metropolitan College of New York; Brian Meeks, Government, University of West Indies; Velma Pollard, Education Emeritus, University of the West Indies; John Rickford, Linguistics, Chair, African and African American Studies, Stanford University; and Sylvia Wynter, Spanish and Portuguese Emeritus, Stanford University .

Editor(s): Shona N. Jackson, Anton Allahar